Kick'em Jenny Volcano Explorers
Martin Bowen
Kevin Brown
Steven Carey
Dwight Coleman
Lincoln Critchley
Brian Hawkins
Debby Kay
David Lavalo
Scott Lundin
Celeste Mosher
Leukemia Mounce
John Shepherd
Haruldur Sigurdsson
David C. Smith
Andrew Staroscik
Kim Wallace
Cameron Walker
W. Douglas Wilson
Karen Wishner
Kick'em Jenny Volcano Explorers
March 10-21, 2003
Martin Bowen
Marine Zoologist and ROV Specialist
Deep Submersion Laboratory and National Deep Submergence Facility
Woods Hole Oceanic Institution
Mr. Bowen brings over 28 years of ROV experience at sea to the mission. He has been on 86 cruises around the world, including piloting the Jason during the Titanic, Bismarck, Lusitania expeditions, and recently has been working in the Black Sea and Mediterranean with the National Geographic filming of Quest for Noah’s Flood.
Kevin Brown
Research Specialist
University of Virgin Islands (UVI), St. Thomas
Dr Brown works at the Center for Marine and Environmental Studies at UVI and has collaborated on previous missions with NOAA researchers studying the mass flows of sea water in this area. His studies have previously focused on the Anegada Passage region of the Caribbean and specializes in CTD surveys.
Steven Carey
Marine Geologist
University of Rhode Island
Dr. Carey’s graduate degree was in volcanology and he has worked as part of Dr. Sigurdsson's team for the past 25 years. He will focus on the types of underwater deposits around the Kick’em Jenny site, looking at the interaction of magma and seawater and the migration of deposits from the collapsed caldera. This area of debris avalanche is little studied at this site.
Dwight Coleman
Marine Geologist
Institute for Exploration, Connecticut
Mr. Coleman is finishing his graduate studies at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography but also works at the Institute for Exploration in Mystic, Connecticut. He is a veteran of over 25 cruises over the last 15 years, focusing his graduate work in Caribbean plate tectonics. He will be responsible for the design of the track lines for the multibeam surveys.
Lincoln Critchley
Graduate Student
University of Virgin Islands
Mr. Critchley is a graduate student in oceanography from the University of Virgin Islands. As a veteran of many Caribbean cruises, he will be assisting in the CTDs scans, working as a consultant.
Brian Hawkins
NASA Aerospace Education Services Program Specialist
Oklahoma State University
Mr. Hawkins joined the research cruise as our guest Teacher-at-Sea, a program designed to give teachers some hands-on experience aboard NOAA ships. Mr. Hawkins is part of the corps of educators participating in NASA's Aerospace Education Services Program which is administered by the Oklahoma State University. They provide assistance and support to educators in updating science, mathematics, geography and technology curricula in the sciences.
Debby Kay
Web Coordinator
NOAA Research
Ms. Kay is a former research geologist specializing in volcanic geochemistry with the US Geological Survey and now is working in NOAA Research headquarters budget and external affairs office. She had collateral duties on the mission as the official Marine Mammal observer and Web site coordinator.
David Lavalvo
ROV Group Leader
Eastern Oceanics, Connecticut
Mr. Lavalvo is the president of Eastern Oceanics in Connecticut. His firm specializes in underwater remote operations and owns the ROV, Oceanic Explorer, used during this expedition. He has been in the business of underwater expeditions for over 25 years and has taken Oceanic Explorer around the world on numerous research missions, including many National Geographic and Museum discovery expeditions.
Scott Lundin
Graduate Student
University of Rhode Island
Mr. Lundin is a graduate student the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, studying volcanology under Dr. Sigurdsson. His previous experience at sea has been in the Caribbean area, however, this is his first research mission involving volcanoes. He will provide general support to the mission as well as handle coring samples from the volcano.
Celeste Mosher
University of Virgin Islands, St Thomas
Ms. Mosher has participated on two previous cruises in the Caribbean - one on the Ron Brown and the other on the Oceanus, a Woods Hole Institute vessel. She will be working closely with Doug Wilson on CTD surveys to determine the mass transit effects of water exchange between the Caribbean and Atlantic Oceans.
Leukemia Mounce
University of Virgin Islands,St. Thomas
Ms. Mounce is an undergraduate student of oceanography at the University of Virgin Islands and a veteran of several Caribbean survey cruises. She will be assisting in the CTD surveys during this mission.
John Shepherd
University of West Indies
Dr. Shepherd received both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physics at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. A native of England, his interests in island hazards and environment has taken him around the world with his current home in Trinidad. He is the head of the Scientific Research Unit at the University of West Indies, where among many projects they operate a seismic monitoring observatory on the island. This observatory has the most complete record of Kick’em Jenny activity. Dr. Shepherd will be examining information from the mission to aid in hazard planning from potential future activity of Kick’em Jenny.
Haraldur Sigurdsson
Marine Geologist, Professor of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island
Dr. Sigurdsson is the chief scientist for the Kick’em Jenny mission. He earned his undergraduate degree in geology from Queen’s University of Belfast and his graduate degree in geochemistry from Durham University in England. He currently serves as the head of the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. Previously, he was a faculty member of the University of West Indies in Trinidad, where he conducted volcanic surveillance and hazards assessment in the volcanically active West Indies Islands. Dr. Sigurdsson has studied both submarine and subariel volcanoes around the world, including the famed Tambora volcano in Indonesia. He has been studying Kick’em Jenny for the past 30 years.
David C. Smith
University of Rhode Island
Biological Oceanographer
Dr. Smith received his graduate degree from Scripps Institute of Oceanography and is currently an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. He will be looking at the community structure of microbes in the volcanic environment of Kick’em Jenny.
Andrew Staroscik
Graduate Student
University of Rhode Island
Mr. Staroscik is a graduate student at the School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. His studies are in biological oceanography and he will be assisting David Smith.
Cameron Walker
Walker Marine Geophysical Co.
Mr. Walker developed the 3D High Resolution Seismic profiler that will be used during the mission to provide better details of the structure of Kick’em Jenny. The profiler uses low intensity wave generation to penetrate the rock debris at the volcano site. Mr. Walker’s previous research missions include work with the Army Corp of Engineers, University of South Florida, Southern Illinois University, and for the countries of Peru, Mauritius, Venezuela, and Australia.
Kim Wallace
Electronic Technician
Mr. Wallace is native of Canada where he operates his own company, devOcean. He is a graduate of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Toronto and has been working in the trade for the past 23 years. The last 13 years, he has taken to the seas and participated on numerous missions, primarily in the Pacific areana, including the Museum of Natural History’s Volcanoes of the Deep expedition. Mr. Wallace also participated on the Ocean Exploration Astoria Canyon Mission.
W. Douglas Wilson
NOAA Oceanographer
AOML and NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
Annapolis, Maryland
Dr. Wilson has a long past with studies in the Caribbean having participating on over twenty cruises characterizing mass movement throughout the area. He was involved with the 1996 and 2002 surveys of Kick’em Jenny through the International Caribbean Ocean programs. He will be in charge of the conductivity, temperature, and depth (better known as the CTD) measurements and also the multibeam scans.
Karen Wishner
Biological Oceanographer
University of Rhode Island
Dr. Wishner is a professor at Graduate School of Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. Her graduate degree is from Scripps Institute of Oceanography. She has participated on expeditions to the Arabian Sea, Red Sea, Antarctica, on studies of the Eastern Tropic Pacific, Gulf Stream and George’s Bank. Her focus during this mission will be to examine benthic and pelagic life collected by bongo net tows.