Photo & Video Log
This page contains photos and videos taken during the 2004 Gulf of Alaska Seamount Expedition that took place July 30 - August 23, 2004. Click on any image to view a larger version and for additional information. If a movie camera icon
is present, a video can be viewed by clicking on the image. Other video formats are available on the linked pages.
If a slideshow icon
is present, a visual log of exploration images can be viewed. You can scroll through them one by one, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow.
(HR) = "High Resolution" images available.
Video & Slideshows

July 13
Monitor underwater footage

July 12
Monitor turret video

June 30
Big wave video.
December 10

December 10
coal heavers

November 15
Kate and Jason sifting

November 15
gun rods

November 15
standing on the spider.

November 5
turret team

November 5
buttons with Navy insignia

November 5
flatware artifact

November 5
buttons in situ

October 15
Wayne Lusardi and lantern

October 15
lantern artifact

October 15
fork artifact

October 1
Boot artifact

September 25
wood boxes

September 25
sifting through sediment

September 25
fork artifact

August 30
wool coat artifact

August 30
ring artifact

August 30
John Broadwater and Jeff Johnston

August 30
comb artifact

August 23
graphic of turret from portside

August 23
Jeffers and dents from cannons

August 23

August 11

August 11
Indents where turret once laid

August 10
Museum drive.

August 10
Lockwood barge

August 10
Broadwater speech

August 9
Wotan arriving

August 9
Turret at welcoming ceremony

August 9
Tim Keeney

August 9
Davis and Johnston

August 9
John Broadwater and Commander Scholley

August 6
Team in front of turret

August 6
closeup of turret

August 6
Turret lifted out of the water

July 26
Sailors on roof of the Monitor

July 26
Monitor sailors

July 25
Jeff Johnston and birthday cake

July 24
Wotan full view

July 24
SAT bell

July 24
Capt. Murray and dive platform

July 25
platform in air

July 24
decompression chamber

July 24
Wotan barge personnel

July 22
Platform over Wotan barge

July 22
diver signals OK
July 20
Saturation diver and spider
July 20
manta seen from Johnson Sea Link

July 20
Diver, spider and Johnson Sea Link over turret

July 17
spider over water

July 17
spider over turret

July 17
Diver on spider

July 13
shield artifact

July 13
lantern chimney

July 13
paper artifact

July 13
table of artifacts

July 12
Dahlgren cannon graphic upside-down

July 12
Dahlgren cannon underwater

July 10
Excavated turret

July 10
Fish over wreck site

July 5
Monitor hull detail

July 5
Cut belt

June 30
turret underwater

June 30
Looking at artifact

June 26
preparing to dive

June 26
Divers on stage

June 26
Wotan barge
June 25
Manta swimming over wreck

June 25
Johnson Sea Link
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