Many of the volcanic seamounts in the Gulf of Alaska are visible on this bathymetric map. Only a few of these have been studied. Five more seamounts will be explored this summer. Click image for larger view.
Exploring Alaska's Seamounts
June 22-July 15, 2002
Highlights of Gulf of Alaska Seamount Exploration
This summer, with the use of the Alvin submersible, scientists studied several unexplored seamounts in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) to understand how they formed and to determine their volcanic history. They also characterized GOA's unique habitats, and explored the diverse communities of organisms such as fish and invertebrates that exist around these undersea mountains. Scientists examined various aspects of deep-sea corals and sclerosponges, and observed and collected several deep ocean crab species. A photographic inventory of the unique flora and fauna of each seamount was developed.
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