Geology Lead Scientist, Dr. Del Bohnenstiehl (left), and Biology Science Lead, Dr. Scott France (middle), answer questions during the first-ever NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer live Facebook interaction. Web coordinator, Amy Bowman (right) helped field questions from the public during this exchange. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Mountains in the Deep: Exploring the Central Pacific Basin. Download larger version (jpg, 420 KB).
Today, we continued our long journey back to Honolulu. As we transit, we continue to collect multibeam, single beam, backscatter, and sub-bottom data. The mission team worked on summary reports, data quality checks, final production of highlight videos, and coordination with shore for final field identifications of some of the more unusual fauna observed during this cruise. We also continued to prepare for dry dock and for the rest of the cruises this year. Since we weren’t diving, we decided to try out a new form of outreach. We hosted our first-ever live Facebook event! Science team leads Dr. Scott France and Dr. Del Bohnenstiehl answered rapid-fire questions from the public during the event. We had some interesting and thought-provoking questions, with the event receiving over 3,000 views.