Commander Joe Pica and Lieutenant Nicky Verplanck discuss the ships position with TNI Official Major Adrianto, and confirm NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer has entered the approved geographic bounds for INDEX SATAL 2010. Data acquisition commenced shortly afterwards. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download larger version (jpg, 707 KB).
Underway! The ship departed Bitung, Indonesia this morning and set to sea. At 1500 local time, Commander Joe Pica and Lieutenant Nicky Verplanck met with our onboard security officer from the Indonesian Navy, Major Adrianto, and confirmed that NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer had entered the approved geographic bounds of the INDEX SATAL 2010 operating area. Sensors were turned on, and data collection commenced. Leg 3 operations have officially begun! Our first day at sea was filled with drills, familiarization meetings, training of new personnel and preparations for tomorrow's ROV dive.