This close-up image of a deepwater coral is a frame grab from the ROV high definition video camera. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download larger version (jpg, 361 KB).
The launch target for EX-1004-Leg II_ROV004 was 4º 00.760’N 125º 16.800’E. The vehicle descended to a depth of 1600m on a small seamount that lay at the base of a larger seamount to the east. It reached the bottom approximately 40m downslope on the western flank of an east-west trending ridge. The bottom for most of the dive was light-colored, sandy sediment. A few rocky outcrops appeared in areas of steeper terrain. There was no evidence of hydrothermal activity. Biology appeared dominated by sparse assemblages of solitary corals, shrimp, galatheid crabs, and sponges. Small crustaceans or barnacles were visible on several corals and sponges.