Towards the end of our final dive of Leg II, we came across interesting geologic features around 800. This image shows what appears to be iron staining around cracks. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download larger version (jpg, 1.6 MB).
The crew launched the ROV for Dive 13 at 2º 50.651'N 125º 03.503’E around 0500. Initial target depth was 432m. This was our second dive at a shallow volcanic cone that rises to a depth of 500m. The ROV reached bottom on the south slope at a depth of 650m and moved upslope toward the area where we previously observed a wide variety of corals, crinoids, sponges, crabs, gastropods and fish. We then descended deeper to a depth of 800m and followed a ridge from the southwest back upslope. A much lower biomass and diversity of organisms, consisting mostly of corals with brittle stars and urchins, were visible in the deeper area. There appeared to be a significant amount iron staining around cracks in many of the rocks and what might have been some yellow bacterial mat. As we ascended back upslope biomass began to increase until we were again in an area of higher biological diversity.