Image of the breathtaking squid captured on camera during ROV Dive 3. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download larger version (jpg, 614 KB).
The only prior information available on today's dive site was single beam echosounder data and one CTD cast. The ROV descended to a peak at a depth of about 900m on a large seamount with a 10km long ridge. We transited along a saddle to another peak and explored the area surrounding it. The seafloor on this dive was dominated by loose rocks. In a few places on steep slopes were truncated with pillow flows. We saw a very interesting hermit crab that had a symmetrical soft coral for a shell. The crab was approximately 15cm in diameter and had asymmetrical furry chelae that appeared to be covered with encrusting sponges. We saw another of these crab and coral combinations later in the dive. The ROV imaged several species of coral, shrimp, hydroids, an eel-like fish, and a very unique looking squid that at first glance appeared to have a siphonophore attached to it. It was difficult to identify what we were looking at but the squid was certainly a breathtaking example of the diversity of unique life that lies deep beneath the ocean surface.