Large barrel sponges and their associates were observed during the dive. Image captured August 5, 2010 by the Little Hercules ROV at 700 meters depth on a new seamount mapped by Baruna Jaya IV during the INDEX SATAL 2010 Expedition. Image courtesy of the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download larger version (jpg, 963 KB).
Sea Spider
Several deep-ocean sea spiders imaged on this expedition measured eight to 12 inches across, suggesting there is plenty of food for them in the deep. Video captured by the Little Hercules ROV on a site referred to as "Gelembung" on August 5, 2010. Video courtesy of NOAA Okeanos Explorer Program, INDEX-SATAL 2010. Download (mp4, 20.4 MB)
Dive number 13 was conducted on a seamount discovered by Indonesian Research Vessel Baruna Jaya IV during recent mapping operations. The site is referred to as “Gelembung”. We started the dive on the northern end of the summit of this feature, at the eastern extreme. This was a shallow dive between 700 and 850m. A relatively high biomass and diversity of organisms was observed on exposed basaltic outcrops throughout the dive. No evidence of chemosynthesis was detected. Highly sedimented rock terraces and flat areas were observed. Relatively high abundances of benthic organisms were found on the flanks of the summit. Dominant fauna included golden, gorgonian, bubblegum, sea fan, bamboo and black corals, large barrel sponges and stalked sea lilies. The sizes of organisms were moderate in general. Relatively abundant large-sized fish were observed. Oreos were among the most common. As we ascended towards the summit, a much lower biomass was observed. High amounts of coral rubble were seen here. A long and tense fishing line, as well as fishing gear (nylon strings, lures and hooks) was observed at the summit.