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    	<img src="/explorations/24skq-ak-seamounts/media/splitting-samples-800.jpg" class="cbp-img-popup rounded" alt="Emily Chen splits a zooplankton sample in half. Half was sorted in the lab on Research Vessel Sikuliaq during the Exploring Pelagic Biodiversity of the Gulf of Alaska and the Impact of Its Seamounts expedition and the other half was preserved in ethanol." />
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        <div class="cbp-l-inline-title">Sample Splitting</div>
        <div class="cbp-l-inline-subtitle"><i>Image courtesy of Exploring Pelagic Biodiversity of the Gulf of Alaska and the Impact of Its Seamounts.</i><br /><a href="/explorations/24skq-ak-seamounts/media/splitting-samples.JPG" type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-download" title="Download file" download target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-download"></i>Download largest version (jpg, 2.94 MB).</a></div>
        <div class="cbp-l-inline-desc"><p>Emily Chen splits a zooplankton sample in half. Half was sorted in the lab on Research Vessel <i>Sikuliaq</i> during the Exploring Pelagic Biodiversity of the Gulf of Alaska and the Impact of Its Seamounts expedition and the other half was preserved in ethanol.</p></div>   