The In-Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System Deep-Focus Particle Imager (ISIIS-DPI) on the deck of Research Vessel Sikuliaq. This tool enabled the team to “sample” organisms without physical contact in their natural environment during the Exploring Pelagic Biodiversity of the Gulf of Alaska and the Impact of Its Seamounts expedition.
Image courtesy of Exploring Pelagic Biodiversity of the Gulf of Alaska and the Impact of Its Seamounts.
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The In-Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System Deep-Focus Particle Imager (ISIIS-DPI) on the deck of Research Vessel Sikuliaq. This tool enabled the team to “sample” organisms without physical contact in their natural environment during the Exploring Pelagic Biodiversity of the Gulf of Alaska and the Impact of Its Seamounts expedition.